We use only quality materials for our Aluminum and Wrought Iron furniture. Our extruded aluminum with thicker outer walls and inner channels can last a lifetime.Our finishing process includes the polishing, cleansing and pre-treatment of the raw metal frames. A baked-on powder coat is then applied for a strong, long-lasting, and scratch-resistant surface that can weather the dog days of summer and beyond.All joints are fully welded so there are no weak points, offering significantly sturdier frames than assembled furniture.

We use only the most durable UV-inhibitors along with virgin resin to create our wicker (HDPE) - no fillers are added to the resin and no recycled scraps are used. This protects against premature aging and failure due to cracking.Our resin wicker wraps fully welded and powder coated aluminum frames, for years of rust-free structural integrity.

Style, comfort and durability are our guiding principles, we manufacture most of the cushions with using Sunbrella® performance fabrics. We will also work with the cutomised cushion per clients needs. Our deep-seating cushions are a plush 7-8” thick and provide the perfect balance of support and comfort.All cushions are water, weather, and fade resistant.